May 24, 2022

Covid-19 Booster for Children 5-11 years of age

by Admin in Articles & News

The Center for Disease Control and the FDA have now recommended a Covid-19 booster dose for children 5-11 years of age provided they are at least 5 months from their last vaccine dose. The available dose for this age group continues to be the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine which is the same given for their original series. At this time we are unable to give this vaccine in our office but they are widely available.

According to the CDC, “since the pandemic began, more than 4.8 million children ages 5 through 11 have been diagnosed with COVID-19, 15,000 have been hospitalized and, tragically, over 180 have died. As cases increase across the country, a booster dose will safely help restore and enhance protection against severe disease.”

Please CLICK HERE to find an available vaccine in Massachusetts for your child.

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(978) 406-4241


(978) 777-3908